The 7.2 mile main pipeline and 1.5 miles of trunk line are proposed to transport natural gas from existing well pads along the pipeline route to a meter location where the proposed pipeline will tie into existing transmission lines. The project included installation of a compressor station along the pipeline corridor.
Verdanterra staff performed all wetland and waterbody surveys within the study corridor and secured all required permits and agency consultations. Verdanterra staff worked with archaeological and ecological sub-contractors to obtain Section 106 and Section 7 clearances required to secure Nationwide Permits for stream and wetland impacts along the project corridor. Our team coordinated with the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources and the local floodplain coordinator to obtain additional permits for environmental resource crossings. Verdanterra also prepared the required Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Groundwater Protection Plans necessary to obtain coverage under the West Virginia Construction Stormwater General Permit. Verdanterra staff designed erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) and developed the erosion and sediment control plans for submission to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. To allow timely construction of the proposed pipeline infrastructure, Verdanterra worked with the state reviewers to gain permit approval prior to the scheduled start of construction.